Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Is An Annuity Right for You!

An annuity can be a great retirement vehicle. Annuities have asome of the same retirement benefits as other retirement plans like the employee sponsored 401K and an individual IRA, but an annuity typically doesn't have contribution limits, income limits, or mandatory withdrawals like the 401K and IRA. The retirement earnings grow tax-free even though after-tax dollars are used for contributions.

There are two categories for annuities: FIXED and VARIABLE.

  • Fixed Annuity: offers a pre-determined interest rate on earnings which is guaranteed for a certain term
  • Variable Annuity: premiums are invested among stocks, bonds, and money market accounts similar to a 401K and IRA


You might be one of the many individuals who are uncertain about annuities or have limited knowledge on these savings vehicles. The following is a summary on who might be able to benefit from this products, see if you fit into one of these descriptions.

If you:

  • have maxed out your employee sponsored 401K retirement accounts or IRA and still have additional capital to invest
  • have already RETIRED and fear you might outlive your money. An annuity would guarantee income for the rest of your life.
  • are a LAWYER, DOCTOR, CPA, ARCHITECT, or FINANCIAL PLANNER. Since annuities are credit protected in many states, these products are SAFE from malpractice suits.
  • have made an employment switch and still have your 401K invested with your previous employer. Annuities offer higher, guaranteed interest rates and are protected from the market fluctuations that your current IRA may not be. STOP LOSING YOUR MONEY!

In closing, some annuities not only offer higher, guaranteed interest rates, but some companies also offer a 10% BONUS for all deposits made into the account for as long as 10 years!

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